Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Auschwitz 2: Water Treatment Plants

Photos below of the larger water-treatment plant at Birkenau

Three deer 

One deer, behind the post

Photo below of the smaller water-treatment plant at Birkenau
A building in the water-treatment part, in the distance is Compound B1B


  1. Hello Dude,

    Water treatment plants that apply filtration processes, discharge to surface water and have the capacity to produce at least 50,000 gallons per day of drinking water require coverage under this general permit. Thanks for sharing it......

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  2. Surface and storage water monitoring is not that easy task. Regular parameter detection is compulsory if use of water is define for drinking.

  3. Hi, I appreciate your writing. All wastewater treatment plants use disinfection for tertiary treatment to reduce pathogens, which are micro-organisms which can pose a risk to human health. Chlorine is usually dosed into the treated wastewater stream for disinfection. However, Bolivar uses large ponds in which sunlight and other micro-organisms reduce the pathogens. Additional treatment may be required if the treated wastewater is reused for purposes such as irrigation of food crops or where close human contact may result. thanks for sharing :)
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