Monday 23 January 2012

Auschwitz 2: Section B2F: Josef Mengele

Compound B2F (Bauabschnitt BIIf) Auschwitz II (Birkenau)

Block 10 in Auschwitz 1 is infamous for being the place where
the SS doctors performed experiments on people, but less 
well known is Compound B2F of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The south-end of Compound B2F is the Auschwitz soccer pitch

Compound BIIf, where Mengele stitched twins into Siamese twins.
Not my photo, stolen from here

A museum sign by Compound BIIf reads:

Compound BIIf (Bauabschnitt BIIf) 
In this compound of the camp was a holding area for sick male prisoners (Häftlingskrankenbau, or 'Infirmary'); it functioned from July 1943 to January 1945. The inmates called it the 'crematorium waiting-room' because that was where most of them ended up: SS doctors regularly made 'selections' among the prisoners here, sending them to be murdered. Unethical medical experiments were also made on the patients.
1 - Administrative offices, pharmacy, office of the camp's SS doctor 
2 - 'Infirmary' and surgery. Beginning in the summer of 1944 its facilities were also used for involuntary abortions and the examination of prisoners used in unethical medical experiments 
12 - In an annex to this barrack was a room for corpses to be laid out and a room for dissecting them 
15 - Experimental X-ray station. Jews who underwent involuntary sterilization experiments at the hands of SS doctor Horst Schumann in Block 30 of compound BIa were kept here. From July 1944 twins, dwarfs, and cripples from arriving transports of Jews were kept here, where SS doctor Josef Mengele performed experiments on them. 
16 - Showers, Jews selected for death in the gas chambers were often kept here 
A - SS guardroom (Blockfuehrerstube)

Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of the full museum sign,
so I can't tell to which of the ruins the map key refers:

Compound BF2 behind the fence directly ahead, behind the fence on the right is the area known as Canada II

Compound B2F to the right, Compound B2E to the
left (with the chimney's, from its former kitchen)

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